Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So,...Now Obama Is A CHIMP ?? Is That Right????

In response to the cartoon in the New York Post I can only say the following......

I am afraid that the two colleagues of mine that wonder about their individual reactions to it are both correct...
It is a tactic of this type of person (the cartoonist in this case) to use offensive terminology, or imagery in a tangential way that leaves them with what to their mind is effective obfuscation of their intention, wit the spreading of a racist ideal or image....
At the same time they can say to anyone that dares question them, "That must be how You see it, but I was not trying to do that".. Shifting the onus of racism to the questioner...
It is rather cowardly and intellectually questionable but that is the right-wing in the U.S. today...full of themselves and ready to push their collective asses in your face at every opportunity.
I remember another comment from someone who was quick to point out that they were both overreacting and that, "Sometimes a monkey is just a monkey"...or words to that effect....

Sometimes an apologist is just the racist's friend in disguise...

Just to be clear about whom I'm calling was NOT my friends....they are feeling outrage and should be doing so...saying otherwise only outs the person saying it as either a racist for political belief or a racist from pure hatred ...
Another friend is right also; even tho satire has a long history here in this country...there are currently historical boundaries that have the absolute Need of being untouched...
Just like you cannot falsely scream ,"Fire" to get better theater seats, you just can't go past these boundaries at this time...maybe in the future it will be an acknowledged format of satirical import...but there are No level headed folks around that would really try to defend this cartoon as other than it was intended ,...skewed racism.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Will The Liberals Be As Obstructionist In Their Own Well Intenioned Way ????

Someone was saying that the Liberals would be worse that the GOP in the amount of Government Intervention they allow.

I don't think liberals are reduced to censorship, not yet.
Power and authority are very contra-intuitive agents however.. ANYONE finding themselves suddenly able to change the tone of , or completely silence some source of public exposure which they personally find reprehensible and may in fact feel is possibly criminal will likely do so.
It is human nature.. Power is corrupting. It is a fact.
What was it King George ( the real one) said about President Washington ???
Something about if he really did willingly step down and hand the office over to another man...then the British would Never be able to conquer people like this again ???
I know how I would act...I can't be trusted not to retaliate in some fashion or action that would (in my mind) cause the GOP pain and possibly kill it off....
It is a failed party and philosophy... but hurting them would only make them stronger and give them the ammunition they desperately need right now to make people identify with them personally... Everyone feels bad for the underdog that is mistreated and most feel like in some sense that could easily become themselves.
I say let them rant...let them continue to scheme. Let them continue to derail and destroy.
Few people feel like being identified with / as a relentlessly , needlessly, and pointlessly angry poisonous snake.
One that is self admittedly intent on inflicting maximum damage and harm even to the point of repeatedly biting it's own tail...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

So,...He IS NOT Interested After All...Huh ????

So,....Gregg withdraws himself from the Commerce Secretary Slot after First going on Television and saying,"When the President asks, you really should accept..!"
I think this misanthrope was a Fat Karl Rove martinette, a puppet, a shill.
I think he was thinking of himself as a male Mata Hari for the GOP....
I mean, go in ...look around...find out ALL the juicy secret stuff that those Bastard Democrats were planning and then run.... Tell,...and get a gold star.
"Well Done Judd !!!" ,... "GOOD BOY !!"
Now the Criminal Republicans have actual emails and such to use as cannon fodder against their hated rivals...
And to was all too easy...just act like you actually respected Obama and they just give you EVERYTHING....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Entertainment.... Right ???? IS entertaining to see somebody getting mauled by a wild animal isn't it?? Or the aftermath of a horrible train-wreck ??? EVEN BETTER to be able to see the train wreck AS IT HAPPENS !!!
Oh Dear God YES !!!! Please GOD, let me see a Train Wreck as it happens and actually witness the beheadings, disembowelments, traumatic amputations and such that accompany a horror like that !!!
PLEASEEEeeee !!!
But from a safe and harm free vantage point of Course !!!
Okay GOD ????
Orrr..... could you manage to allow a ,...hmmm..., let's say possibly mentally challenged woman to actually give birth to what can only reasonably be described as a litter of puppies...Could YOU GOD ??? For ME????
What's that Lord ??? I'm sorry, your small-still voice is almost impossible to hear over my news-updates...thanks for the techonology by the way... but I seriously didn't hear you Lord.
OH...YOU already Did That...For ME LORD???? WOW...YOU REALLY DO LOVE ME.....
Well at least YOU Do want me to be entertained....