Friday, September 19, 2008

Republicans want to privatize Social Security to pay the Debt...

You know, if you remember back a seems to always come up from those folks like a bit of bad response to ...well, just damn near anything you care to attempt to rationally discuss with a true GOP drone.. Like just mentioning the "Trouble With The Social Security System" is trump to any other point of contention or disagreement...

I mean, seriously, IF they were sincerely all that pissed off about it...haven't they had ample opportunity and flat out complete control of the Government for long enough to simply cram it down our collective throats and tell us to ,"Go F&*k Ourselves Also", along with the Democratic Party Members of Congress who dared to speak out or say to the contrary???

So, why haven't they??? Other than they are basically and fundamentally just cowardly bullies.
They haven't done so because there was no real return in it for them and their cronies... Not like the Bank Deregulation, Not like the Oil market, not like a freaking WAR!!!
All those things are much better money makers for the rich and wont necessarily get them into a fight with some citizen who doesn't like being ripped off so some " political friend" can head up the newly established Office of Spending the Social Security Money Wisely...or some such.

But IF it comes down to push and shove...I guess the littler guys Will attempt to just Steal what they can before they are all voted out or otherwise disenfranchised...

2:06 AM PDT


In response to a post concerning a Californian and his plans to conduct a group fast..

Imagine the feeling of completeness, of perfect insight, of Power, of just plain old Righteous Upright Warrior of God!!!
And to think that God (we are talking THE ALMIGHTY, CREATOR OF ALL) are we not??
To think that GOD in HIS PERFECTION and PERFECT WORKS had apparently overlooked, or possibly neglected, or hey got just sidetracked as all hell... (pun I guess)..and just needs to have HIS WARRIORS remind HIM to do HIS WORK in the way that they see it needs doing...
Smart huh?? HE REMEMBERED to PERFECTLY create some dirtbags in various places to KEEP HIM in LINE...
Yet another reason I quit the Christian Ministry... I couldn't keep telling myself that GOD "NEEDED" my help... with ANYTHING!!!
Seriously... how conceited, how self importantly puffed up and narcissistic..
What arrogance.....
I admit that I was and am a creature born in "Sin".. (wait, what?? of HIS PERFECT WORK??
And as such, My ONLY HOPE in the here and now and the After, is my acceptance of same and a heartfelt plea to HIM to redeem me, and then I have to accept that redemption, and thus be washed clean of my sins and be born anew...
That is the point at which I get to tell HIM where HE screwed up...right???
I get to , 'cause I no longer have sin and thus am PERFECT...
So I can talk to HIM as tho to an Equal... and I can throw a tantrum if I don't like HIS PERFECT WORKS and stop eating, or hold my breath, or possibly stomp my feet loudly...
Maybe I can organize a large group to Also do the Same Behavior.
And this behavior is the thing that GOD ALMIGHTY just can't abide and so HE WILL ACT..


Yeah if I was capable of that level of egotism...I guess that it would be right...

But I guess I'm not religious anymore either...

Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm just offering my own somewhat ignorant opinion here...but I guess Obama was thinking that here was a classic dilemma.... Real "Horns Of the Bull" problem... Ask Hillary to be VP and be perceived as either gut-lessly begging for help not to mention the risk of being turned down, or the real risk of being upstaged by his VP like someone currently in that job..

OR,.. He could go ahead and ask his party for tolerance and indulgence and stand by him and the second tier candidate that he was going to otherwise forced to pick if he wanted to stand a tinkers damn of winning...

I mean I thought that the Democratic party was supposed to be the tolerant folks and even Hillary asked the question,. "Who were you voting for?? ME or the American People??"
And STILL , clearly there are numerous and sundry that are determined to make this election be about Hillary and NOT ABOUT TAKING BACK OUR DAMN COUNTRY!!!!
So, what to do, what to do...knowing you are damned and doublely so ('cause of your skin color) (AND yer funny "FOREIGN" sounding name),, you kowtow to a bunch of hard-nosed Hillary supporters, and forever be seen as unable to make your first real decision on your own....
OR, do you look closer at the remaining "also-ran's" and try to decide on a partner that has a skill level you'll need, and the humble roots pastiche that you apparently do not deserve to call your own (in spite of your roots), and ask a guy that you know probably does not respect you and can actually in the future embarrass your Administration Potentially Horribly so by his penchant for de-rigueur style speaking and whilst doing so actually eating his own feet...???
I know I was not asked about the VP picks..I'm totally sure I could have at least injected some levity into the process but I am also totally sure that this is not the moment for laughing and kidding, but for serious introspective qualifying and selecting and then getting on with the actually Winning of this interminable Race..

Could he have made better picks??? Maybe....

Should we all do our collective best to ensure that he loses because he didn't do what we wanted???
I quote (by paraphrase) a Senator from New York, "Who were we actually voting for anyway??"

I will vote Obama.. We have to have a different looking face in that office... IF we can EVER hope to hold our heads up in the court of World Opinion...

Not that I give a damn about the rest of the long as I get some for me and mine....
So, maybe Johnny be Same Is the real answer.. (I know he is not and he cannot at this point make me see different), but I cannot accept a candidate that would cynically pick a running mate based solely on that person's gender... and not even CARE about their qualifications...hoping only to play a card that had seemingly been removed from the table by your opponent.. And in stealing that card, and purporting it to be your confident choice all prove that your care for the "America" you vaunt so highly in public is really a deeply held dislike of the very people who make up that "'Merica"..

SO, yeah...maybe McCain is right, we need a woman in that office..I don't disagree in the least... but really, we need to become a single people and that means taking care of (FINALLY) a little bothersome problem left over from when the GOP was Invented..the time of our first murdered President...
He thought there room here for the folks that others thought of only as "Property".. and it cost him for thinking so and acting upon it..
I seriously can NEVER measure up to that...but I can Recognize and act in my own rightful, small way and vote.
I pick a guy named Obama to be my leader...

The rest of you guys can take the Cheer Leader... have fun!!!

1:01 AM PDT

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interesting That They Fear So.....

It is worth mentioning yet AGAIN that this despicable political club that would gleefully produce an underclass of constitutionally deprived citizens on the basis of their sexual preference,...seems to have a large (really large) number of closeted folks that ARE the very people that party is so afraid of... AND WORSE.

Even the Congressman overseeing the portion of the Fed that was supposed to be protecting children was a total pedophile... Hitting on the male congressional pages and having illicit sexual liaisons with the few male pages (underage) that would allow him to molest them...

They are caught time after time in some poorly considered , poorly concealed sexual imbroglio , or outright criminal acts ...

Such as Ted Haggard... trusted enough and thought highly enough of to be allowed to sit in on and even provide input to (thereby shaping) policy of the Bush administration toward homosexuals in America.

"In November 2006, he resigned or was removed from all of his leadership positions after he admitted patronizing prostitute Mike Jones for homosexual sex and methamphetamine. Initially Haggard denied even knowing Mike Jones, but as a media investigation proceeded he acknowledged that some allegations, such as his purchase of methamphetamine, were true. He later added "sexual immorality" to his list of confessions. " (wikipedia)

Such as the "Hero Mayor" Rudy Guiliani.. a confirmed cross dresser and multiple divorce holder....The list of his activities is literally too long to bear inspection...

Such as Senator Larry " LET ME CLEAR,.. I'M NOT GAY!!) Craig... He didn't even respect the policeman that he approached in a airport mensroom ( for God knows what,exactly) enough to listen to the public servant...Instead simply identifying himself a a U.S. Senator and fully expecting the cop to just let him go his way... And THEN, he didn't respect the judicial system, his own wife, or even his Senatorial Staffers (whom presumably knew his preferences) to bother mentioning the "Incident" to ANYONE..!!!!

This Administration has proven itself to be so cowardly and craven in the face of what they perceive as their "Base" ... as to resort to cover-ups, and simply ignoring what ever problem they themselves have created... preferential toward engagement in a continuous and loud repetition from every source they could of whatever falsehood they could quickly toss out that would serve to deflect blame and better still to provide plausible (in their estimation) "proof" that it was not in fact the GOP that was guilty nor ANY of the "patriotic members of the GOP" , rather the blame lay squarely on the Democratic Party and LIKELY with Bill Clinton ...

This bullshite has gone on long enough... One cannot reasonably claim that a person or party that was and is completely incapable of effectively changing ANYTHING ,...for better or worse, due to one's own actions inhibiting said control , be IN FACT,.. the responsible party.

Unless one has so little respect for the general intelligence of the America People..singly and as a group.... as to simply Expect that if you say it is so, will be.

The latest seems to be a wide spread scandal involving Department of the Interior officials (the folks handing out drilling licenses) and the oil companies representatives they were dealing with!!

Talk about screwing the Taxpayer!!!!!!!

12:08 PM PDT

Comments on the Republican Hate Chorus

Hate Chorus MEME...
It's just distraction, just fluff on fire.... "Lookitit a pretty flame...ohhh, ahhh..."
"It's sooooo outrageous, it's soooo unfair..."
They are terrified of anyone asking about the thousands of dead American Soldiers , or the Economy, Or the two WARS WE ARE FIGHTING, or the war the current group of thugs is trying to start with Russia...
So, yeah...they have a point, he did say that....and he was talking about the Gop candidates and their records and their future plans...
And to them if you dare talk back, it has to be that you are insulting them personally....
They are cynical, they lie, they don't care if you know it...look at the pretty fire....

4:36 PM PDT