Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why has Obama Sold Out The Gay Community????

Well I am not sure that he has done that...I am certain that Any Social Change takes a lot of time...
If you doubt that just ask a black person, or a mexican,...or a gay person.

It looks like the campaign of vitriol and hatred begun by the GOP and Fundamentalists was at least in part successful...
I mean in part successful in how horribly it affected my gay and lesbian friends... I was upset about the comparisons of two same sex people marrying being equal to a woman marrying a dog, etc.,...having said that I must admit that the upset I felt was no where close to the visceral impact it had on the gay community...
And it was successful in that it attacked a section of society and made them feel even more marginalized than before.
I think both sides here have work to do...
And no I do not feel like that assessment is fair to the gay community (I wish fervently that it could be) but I cannot demonize them for their justifiably felt group offense.
I think you guys are going to have to do what you have always done,....try harder than anyone else to show your "Real Value" and simply stop accepting the labels that the jerks on the name calling side have so liberally handed out...
Bullies will not stop bullying simply because they got to you and can easily get to you again thru the same method...
They wont give up trying to make you stand in the corner of the school yard until it begins to look like they are the objects of ridicule rather than yourselves....
Until the effort they are expending on belittling you rebounds and negatively impacts them personally they will simply continue...
You cannot beat them by being the same and you cannot beat them by having laws enacted.
You can only beat them by their own rules but without being bullies yourselves...
Dammit it is not heart cries for you guys and gals...but the end is not changed by me...
It will have to be changed by you and that will be slower than you want or like and harder than it should have to be...

BUT I am fairly sure it WILL CHANGE....

Screaming about it only portrays you to be the kid in the corner who is too weak to avoid the bully. Thus confirming what the bully is taunting you about...
Everyone I have ever met in the gay community was worth far more than that...
It just looks like the bullies have caused you lose sight of that...
And I hate bullies.....

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