Friday, September 19, 2008

Republicans want to privatize Social Security to pay the Debt...

You know, if you remember back a seems to always come up from those folks like a bit of bad response to ...well, just damn near anything you care to attempt to rationally discuss with a true GOP drone.. Like just mentioning the "Trouble With The Social Security System" is trump to any other point of contention or disagreement...

I mean, seriously, IF they were sincerely all that pissed off about it...haven't they had ample opportunity and flat out complete control of the Government for long enough to simply cram it down our collective throats and tell us to ,"Go F&*k Ourselves Also", along with the Democratic Party Members of Congress who dared to speak out or say to the contrary???

So, why haven't they??? Other than they are basically and fundamentally just cowardly bullies.
They haven't done so because there was no real return in it for them and their cronies... Not like the Bank Deregulation, Not like the Oil market, not like a freaking WAR!!!
All those things are much better money makers for the rich and wont necessarily get them into a fight with some citizen who doesn't like being ripped off so some " political friend" can head up the newly established Office of Spending the Social Security Money Wisely...or some such.

But IF it comes down to push and shove...I guess the littler guys Will attempt to just Steal what they can before they are all voted out or otherwise disenfranchised...

2:06 AM PDT


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