Friday, October 31, 2008

What IF the Democrats Lose ANYWAY???

No room left for nervousness for me, I've voted ..... Obama is my guy,...and IF the Dems do as you are opining,...well then it's on their heads and it will be time to at least seriously explore the possibility of Canada...
I am a Patriot, a decorated soldier, a preacher, and a heretic, a drunk, and doper (well ex- on the last two)...and even someone as compromised as myself can see the genuine potential in Obama. I was serious about having tears in my eyes on the night he was accepting the nomination.. It has been few, the number of truly historic positive politicians, offhand I can think of only two, or three if you want to count Father Abraham
... If this goes south in a bag of burning dog poo... sticking around would be so very hard...I'm not sure I could...
We have to start the journey toward actually being adults in the world community and not just brandishing our bigger sticks and yelling, "'Cause I say SO!!"...and to me this one thing, race, is a starting point... We have been trying to get this behind ourselves for far too long to just let it continue .. I see hope in Obama, I see that starting point..
And as a patriot I want that start...then we can take another step, and another, and another...
All history began this step. One action. One hope.

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