Friday, October 31, 2008

About the Hate Group in California that is saying the Kids were FORCED to witness a "Gay Marriage"...

Those poor kids...I sure hope they didn't catch the GAY!!! It would be criminal if they did...poor little dears...
I mean seriously, By God's Hairy Privates, if some poor little dear was forced to catch gay,...that whole school district should burn in hell!!!!!

Or else everyone could just try a little harder to lighten the hell up..
My thoughts...

1:27 PM PDT

Blogger Essaress ; Prior of the F.C.F.J., said...

I apologize, I was tired when I said that everyone needed to lighten up.

I meant to say everyone that was trying to oppress somebody else...
All the other hate groups ( and you know who you are )...just carry on..
I mean honestly, this is America..and if you can't get your hate on in a hate filled righteous fury over something that has not a damn thing to do with you...well hell, then I guess this is Russia and not America after all..!!! HUH????
So, please.... Continue with your mindless hating of anything that is different from you or some twisted ideal that you learned all up in your hateful little private school... I'm sure that GOD wants you to do so and therefore you are only doing the Work of the Almighty..aren't you??
So I wasn't talking to you people, I was really putting the light of Redemptive Wrath on those no good lib'rul bastards that are trying to force everyone to marry their pets and such..bastards...

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