Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Paulson Announces That , "Things Have Changed"

Oh Dear GOD!!! We are going to be Devoured by Magic Wild Beasts if we don't pile All our belongings in the Center of town Immediately!!!
Don't be concerned, I swear I'll keep diligent watch for thieves...

Yes your things are fine, I just used a few dozen of them to pay the Beast Leader a bribe to keep the Wild Horde at bay...

Yes, well see,...since you all voted me the Official Bribe giver and Things Watcher,....I have decided that I will just sell all your things and pay off every scary looking thing that comes by just in case there might be trouble...
Now, you don't have to thank me...I am a humble Public Servant ..I work for you after all... Its just that you aren't very smart or good with "Things" and me,...well I'm a wizard with them... won't sting long...I promise...


11:33 PM PST

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