Tuesday, December 2, 2008

See??? I Told You They Would Say It !!!!!!

So, now the big fucking objection to Obama is being voiced by the FUCKING RELIGIOUS RIGHT.. Huge FUCKING SURPRISE!!!!!!
They are saying that he should stop calling himself a "Christian" because he answered a question from Franklin Graham about the only path of salvation with a short discourse on his own deceased mother...
Question,"Is the Only Path to Salvation through Jesus Christ???"
Answer," My own mother was not a Christian, and yet she was one of the noblest, finest hearted people I have Ever met. I find it impossible to believe that She is Not in Heaven..."
In other words, no, J.C. not the ONLY path...
But then, two thirds of the Planet already know this....
Sorry, (no, I'm really not sorry), but I am convinced that this sort of social extortion has to be stopped...its one thing to have and strongly hold personal beliefs... It is damn near criminal to FORCE those beliefs down the throats of any and all that do not share them....
Goddam...how would the fundamentalists scream if the Church of Satan was allowed to grill any political quester with even Half the openness and ugliness that the "Christians" have been allowed???
And on that subject,...why haven't they been allowed the same or equal freedom???
Our tiara of freedom is looking a bit tarnished now....ain't it????

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