Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is He, "AL FRANKEN" Qualified to be a Senator ????

Everybody knows a funny SOB from their family or neighborhood...but does that funny mother-shut yomouth make a living for decades from wittiness???
What I'm driving at here is Al's qualifications... Is he qualified to be a Senator???
I would argue that anyone able to stay employed and provide for a family and stay popular is a bit more than just a funny guy... I would argue that person is really rather intelligent and able to fully grasp their surroundings and those of the world in general and find a way to present those events to the population in a way that is easily and quickly grasped and in a way that offers no threat but includes them and thereby makes them feel safe enough to laugh...
I would argue that he, "Al Franken" is entirely qualified to be a Senator and as such would most likely be a Better one than his predecessor....
I hope he finally prevails...

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