Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How Do They Explain Their Own Survey Numbers ???

I started in Computer Programming (RPG - RPG II, Cobol, some IBM stuff I cannot remember what it's designation was ) and switched to Psychology and Photography...

I know it is difficult to figure "WHY" or more precisely "what is the benefit being sought" by distorting or simply ignoring facts that one has acquired whilst simultaneously saying, "See ?? I told you it wasn't like that..." When anyone can look at your own facts and obtain a completely different picture...
BUT...that is what the Right and the GOP and those that silently support them do almost all the time...
IF a Datum is inconvenient ,...well then, it must be erroneous and therefore not to be acknowledged.
AND it works if you also go on the attack against your perceived opponent and have many supporters that also attack with the same or near same points... They have been masters at this in the near past...I dunno WTF has happened to them recently...I mean they went from sleek and deadly shark-like efficient hunters and killers...to Clown Shoes with polka-dots and flowers with almost no transition...
Which leads me to conclude that they were fairly clowny beforehand ...I just hadn't noticed...
Notice how they are maneuvering to include Clinton's last two years in the "Recession"...the recession that until my President took office they would not even say existed???
Am I having another alzheimers holiday or was the last two years of Clinton's presidency kinda ...ummm...embattled by those same folks that are blaming Clinton???
Didn't that jerk from my state (the bug killer) Tommy Delay (criminal extraordinary), have some sort of a heyday with Congress and the simple blocking of legislation that likely would have been good for the economy???
Maybe I get the time line confused again...it is hard to keep track when they Right Keeps Changing Reality just when I get used to pigs flying...

Saturday, March 14, 2009


It was widely reported today that AIG was going ahead with a bonus arrangement to pay out nearly ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS to Fifty Executives..

Oh no you guys...it ain't like that at all....
You're being way too harsh on poor old AIG...
They really had "no Choice"....
See, it is as simpla as this..

They company has many executives under contract...These salaried Managers are working very, very hard and are very talented individuals.
IF AIG had reneged on the contractual agreement to pay these worthies their bounty then they might have left the company and possibly even sued for breach of contract..
And besides, you always want to retain the "Best and Brightest" on your staff and reward them accordingly....it's just good business...
Plus, these were bonuses that were promised well before AIG began having trouble : even months before..

I know, I know...you want to remind me that AIG has taken almost 200 billion tax-payer dollars without so much as a ,"Thanks"...
You probably even want to remind me about trips to Scotland to play golf at the most prestigious golf course in the world... Sorta like going to Mecca for Muslims.. AFTER we Bailed them out..
You forget that it Promised Beforehand!!
You might even foolishly point out to me that it was this self same group of ass-clowns that Wrecked the FUCKING COMPANY IN THE FIRST PLACE !!!
And well....you would be right...

So, somebody remind me......WHY WE ARE STILL PAYING THESE FUCKERS !!!!

Because I don't know...

I lost my last job for the crime of disclosing to my boss exactly where the theft in the company was taking place. AND providing proof of same...
Maybe I should have become a thief also... THAT seems to be where the real reward is....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Addendum To The Preceding Post

Being of sound mind ( well I think so) and completely heretic in thought I left a Rant here earlier.. I want to stress to any who read it that it was mostly my actual feelings.
The remainder was rant .
I cannot help it. When the subject of "Evangelical" Christianity arises in a discussion it rarely ends with any kind of charitable thoughts.
I quit the faith because I became enlightened; i.e. I acquired a larger view on the world at large.
I am convinced that the average "Fundamentalist" or "Evangelical" identifies themselves as such from a provincial and essentially unrefined world understanding.
Ask most any young "Christian" to explain a simple concept such as "Charity" and they cannot do it. And there is an entire book in the new testament that explains it.
I read a Christian Science Monitor article today about the rise and fall of "Evangelical" influence and I found themes that I wholeheartedly agree with and simultaneously felt discouraged by..
Religion is a nearly universal Human construct. Humans from the most isolated and primitive tribes will be found to have some sort of belief about the unseen and unknowable. Having said that I have to stress that religion is at the heart of many world calamities...
History is rife with accounts of horrible and terrible criminal acts performed by and for and in the name of religion...
I think organized religion is simply incapable of being anything except a human mechanism for dealing with fear and uncertainty.
Yet Modern "Fundamentalism" in any form, Christian, Hebrew, Islamic..whatever..seems to have become more of an enabler of evil than good.
Can't be helped, it is the very nature of repression and repressive indoctrination. Human nature will simply look for and find an avenue to exploit in any restrictive or rigidly controlled behavior set.
WE are too inquisitive and curious to simply accept and comply with what we are told.. For an infinite span of time.
History bears out that whenever we have allowed repression to take complete control, eventually that system collapses in on itself from its on untenable construction.
The weakness of such constructs is always US.
This is WHY the GOP and "Evangelical" coup is failed and disintegrating , because there are people involved and they each have personal thoughts and feelings and agendas... And my personal feelings and agendas will with few exceptions be the interchangeably same as anyone else's. Even (especially EVEN ) my spouse with whom I share more than half my life to date... Because, she is as individual as myself, as George Bush, as Elijah, as, Mary Magdalene, as Stalin, as Abraham Lincoln.
And Now because of a very few individuals we have all this calamitous economic ruin to deal with...Almost completely caused by the greedy, acting under the license and protection of the religious zealots that placed the control of our beloved country in the hands of these criminals..
Thank You Jesus...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Are They Conservative Christians and the GOP the SAME ANIMAL ???

Earlier, I admit...I had carefully typed in a long winded , bombastic Rant about the GOP and Conservative Christians....

Anyway, I just want to point out that not All Conservative Christians are BAD, neither ALL GOP members (tho I can't swear to that).

It is a good thing to be Conservative, a good thing to be Liberal...they are not exclusive to each other..
Look at the Clinton Administration. I remember seeing Al Gore on the Tonight Show talking about ashtrays in military bases and how we needed to buy better ones, not more cheaply made ones...
THAT is Conservative Thinking From a Liberal..

I mean all this name calling is fun but I tire of it ..I just want shit to work, crooks to get caught instead of elected, and the hardworking to be justifiably rewarded...I want the poor to be helped and cared for and DAMMIT I WANT MY MONEY BACK FROM THOSE EFFING BANKS !!!
You know which ones...the ones refusing to divulge the use to which our "Free" money was put.
I want the bickering to stop and the goddam Adults to start acting like Adults for our children's sake if no other reason....

I think that the Conservative Movement was hijacked years ago and it is just now dawning on the members of all those mega-churches and such that they were sold a bill of fake sundries... and they are pissed also!!
The only ones I think are not justifiably pissed off here are the F&*KERS that were in the Congress for the last TEN YEARS...
They benefited rather well whilst the rest of the country was slowly bleeding out...
They are the ones that should pay...not the Christians, Not the Conservatives, NOT THE LIBERALS !!!!
Now I think I'll take a nap...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Some "Fundamentally Sound" Economy Fella's,.. THANKS !!

It is depressing being unemployed.....
It is especially depressing when one sees the elected Representatives of one's Country stand in groups and individually and say with all seriousness,...""Our Economy is FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND !!"...and ,
.." All The Nay-bobs and nay-sayers out there are attempting to trash the image of a President and Congress that have repeatedly SAVED this economy from the ruin of the Clinton Years !!"...

I mean I WAS employed for a good deal of the last eight years. Truthfully I was....as a janitor, a maintenance man, a carpet cleaner and finally for Wal Mart.
So being out of a job for all of the last year (except for three months) is NOT as bad as some folks have it...
I understand.... I don't have it as bad as some do...
And with that understanding comes the depression of seeing My Elected Officials stand before the press and say such ridiculous, almost pathological fabrications about the Economy ....
Seriously you JERKS !!!
Have Any Of You had to Decide Between a House Payment, or a Car Payment (both of which are past-due) so you can EAT ????
Forget about having Lights or hmmm....HEAT !!!

Fundamentally Sound....

Pathetic LIARS !!!


And THEN you want to tell me that it in fact the Horrifying Condition of MY ECONOMY has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU ????
And that you need me to Understand that it is really the FAULT OF OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS ????

Seriously Guys...I am UNEMPLOYED !!!!!!


You assholes, how Dare You Hurt My Country like this and Try To Shift the BLAME....

How Dare You......

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ohio Janitors Get Paid Bank !!!!

IT was reported today that a School System near Canton ,Ohio had one job opening and 700 people showed up to apply.
Yeah ...of course there would be 700 applicants..$16.00 dollars an hour AND benefits..???
Who wouldn't want that job...you have to put up with a little crap now and then (pun) and of course watch out for the over-sexed teachers (but as long as you don't look like a teen age boy no prob) and other than that its a Shweeet Job....
Seriously I ran a janitorial company in the seventies...nice work if you can get it...
But there is the constant factor of some ass who thinks because you are being paid to clean up behind their lazy ass that you are inferior somehow...(Ever see Joe Dirt??)
Bet they feel that way about their Mom also....
Anyway kidding aside , it is a mark of the times...that so many folks that thought such work beneath them even a few months ago are now suddenly realizing that money spends the same regardless where it comes from...And you banker will never know or care... You Mortgage Company could care less and your spouse's "friend" would be glad to get you out of the house...

Friday, March 6, 2009

The NYT says that Food Inspectors are Ignorant of their own JOBS!!!!

When I was seven or maybe eight...my Father took me to a slaughter house... I cannot say the idea ever occurred to me in the raising of my brood...but looking back I don't think it actually had a negative impact either...
Nobody likes to see the sausage being actually made. And I certainly don't think children should be allowed to. Not until they express an interest and desire to see that. And only after first explaining the process and possibly even showing them video... I dunno, each child is different...
At any rate...I think there is a gigantic disconnect between the Consumer and the Processor... Maybe If people were schooled about these type of thing in school fields trips for instance, Maybe there would be more responsible conduct all around...
The Processor is bending and breaking laws to meet demand, Demand is pushing for More and Faster to keep up with the Consumers Buying habits...
In the end we all get poisoned by our own greedy guts...
Truly it isn't intentional, and the victims would rightly argue that "They" did not force the it breakdown of these strictures and regulations...and they are Correct ...partially.
But we all bear a bit of the responsibility....NO, don't flame me about this ( or go ahead ) but the fact remains that with food and the production of same...it really is a market driven thing...surely the market "Forces" we all hear about have been exaggerated and or lied about at every turn due mostly to greed...but We Consumers need to get some education about our food sources instead of assuming that they will be there when we decide that we are feeling a bit peckish...
And hey, I'm a big fat , slob of a guy that got that way eating junk... so I can bitch only a little...but I Can bitch nevertheless....
It is TOO Expensive in this Country to eat "Healthy" for most folks...so you end up eating junk...
Just,...if you eat meat...go see where it comes from..thats all I'm saying....

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I was in the Coast Guard , stationed in Garibaldi , Oregon when Miss Helen performed her amazing disappearing mountain act...we had warning also, but not really...it was so much more astounding than anyone thought it would be...ash fall, people dying, mud flows, people dying, and terror .
And we were on the opposite side of the mountain from the main event...
If not for the warnings that were available and put out I dare say there would be to this day a memorial mourning the "hundreds or thousands" that died that day instead of the tragedy that there was.
Jindal and the Republicans are welcome to decry the need to watch these massive frightening things...hell, go live on them, please.
Then they , like Harry Truman can be buried under the half mile of ash and earth gutrock that results when one of these monsters decides enough is enough..
That sounds harsh and ugly I know...but I tire of hubris easily these days...like ,"They will welcome us as Liberators", or, "There are weapons of mass destruction just lying around everywhere", or, "The fundamentals of the American economy are sound",,,,,,.or. "There is no need to Waste much needed capital on something as silly as Volcano Monitoring"....
Yeah silly waste...cause everyone already knows how many active volcano's there are in the Pacific North-west...right ??? So we'll simply steer clear of that area...
Sorry Seattle, you are on your own with your silly volcano... It isn't worth the CASH to monitor it. But Hey ! You got windows , look out of them every now and then...
Of course ,...some of you will have to die pointlessly, but that is the will of GOD and the Republican Party...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I for one will wait ..........

I am trying to be as positive as I can be... Seriously dude...!!!!
Really though...this is just crappy behavior by the GOP... Does EVERYTHING have to come from their own goddam lips to even at the least a moderately OK idea???\
They got voted out....THEY LOST!!!!!!
So, now they are resorting to the sort of tactic like tha "Spontaneous" outburst by the Santelli guy a while ago...

" President Obama, Are You Listening ??" he asks with his arms outstretched as though he just cannot believe what he is hearing...

What a tool... I think this was a set piece, pure and simple staged acting....
This manhole is one of those ,"people who can carry the water" as he himself put... But you can tell that he also is one of the frequent bathers in the private baths that the rest of us slaves work our asses off to keep heated for the likes of this bought and paid for object.
I was alerted to something calling itself the grizzly movement or some such...more of the same hate mongering..
Ever want to find a directionless hate filled , angry person just listen to the talk radio shows (if you can stand it) and listen to FauX Newz... Plenty of snarky , self congraulatory , hatred...