Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Are They Conservative Christians and the GOP the SAME ANIMAL ???

Earlier, I admit...I had carefully typed in a long winded , bombastic Rant about the GOP and Conservative Christians....

Anyway, I just want to point out that not All Conservative Christians are BAD, neither ALL GOP members (tho I can't swear to that).

It is a good thing to be Conservative, a good thing to be Liberal...they are not exclusive to each other..
Look at the Clinton Administration. I remember seeing Al Gore on the Tonight Show talking about ashtrays in military bases and how we needed to buy better ones, not more cheaply made ones...
THAT is Conservative Thinking From a Liberal..

I mean all this name calling is fun but I tire of it ..I just want shit to work, crooks to get caught instead of elected, and the hardworking to be justifiably rewarded...I want the poor to be helped and cared for and DAMMIT I WANT MY MONEY BACK FROM THOSE EFFING BANKS !!!
You know which ones...the ones refusing to divulge the use to which our "Free" money was put.
I want the bickering to stop and the goddam Adults to start acting like Adults for our children's sake if no other reason....

I think that the Conservative Movement was hijacked years ago and it is just now dawning on the members of all those mega-churches and such that they were sold a bill of fake sundries... and they are pissed also!!
The only ones I think are not justifiably pissed off here are the F&*KERS that were in the Congress for the last TEN YEARS...
They benefited rather well whilst the rest of the country was slowly bleeding out...
They are the ones that should pay...not the Christians, Not the Conservatives, NOT THE LIBERALS !!!!
Now I think I'll take a nap...

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