Saturday, December 27, 2008
Let Cerberus fix Chrysler Not The Taxpayers???
Little Bobbie Nardelli is gonna get his golden parachute though, you betcha!!!
My Spouse worked for Home Depot for years before Bo-Bo-Bobbie took the helm...before, it was a wonderful company...after (and after he stuffed the board with his placeholder proxies) it was a thoughtless jerk of an immature drunken teen age boy.
His policies caused the company to lose and lose and lose value until the board it self asked him to leave...but he got paid millions first.. (around twenty to be approximate)
NOW he heads up Chrysler??? WTF??
I want a place in society where no matter HOW BADLY I screw up, or HOW POOR MY JOB PERFORMANCE is ...I still get paid mega bucks...
But I guess I would have to make some kind of deal with a three headed dog from hell first...huh???
5:12 PM PST
Blogger Essaress ; Prior of the F.C.F.J., said...
And BTW but sorta off topic... Did any notice that the day before yesterday Gm had it's finance division given "Bank" status by the FED??? So, really they will get more money now than they were asking for and it will be with absolutely no strings attached....
6:21 PM PST
Blogger Cookie Jill said...
John Snow was really pushing for that GMAC bank status think. Cerberus owns part of GMAC. Personally, what these CEOs have done to the Country I would consider TREASONOUS.
7:53 PM PST
Blogger Essaress ; Prior of the F.C.F.J., said...
Amen ..
8:54 PM PST
Blogger Jack K. said... a fairly with-it gearhead car guy, I strongly suspected that the ultimate demise of Chrysler was written back when Daimler-Benz became majority owner in 1998. Daimler's sale of its majority shareholding to Cerberus wasn't anything other than the sealing of the fate of the company we all used to lump under the old 'MOPAR' label back when it was the Chrysler Corporation...
The time of the Duster, the Super Bee, and the Charger Daytona is long gone, and the time of what we used to know as the Chrysler Corporation may well follow those marque models down the memory hole...
9:27 PM PST
Blogger Essaress ; Prior of the F.C.F.J., said...
I really do not disagree with you makes me ask though..."IF" the CEO's and the Boards Of Directors are not the real culprits, if their contributions are not major and in fact very interjacent of success versus utter failure...then what the hell justifies the outrageous pay that these a-holes routinely draw???
If compensation is not comensurate to skill and ability then they are twice guilty of malfeasance AND gross negligence as well as intentionally driving the corporations overseen by them into some sort of crisis just so that their "friends" can come and suck the bones of the now dying entity...
If compensation is NOT tied to ability...then we absolutely are witnessing grand and large scale theft.. legally to be sure (thanks to lobbyists and a willing congress egged on by the visions of sugar coated nothing jobs with those lobbying firm or CEO status or at least board memberships), but theft nonetheless...
And Jack that makes me sad and angry and more than slightly impotent as to direction of action that I could take... I have no wish to see those firms die... But it seems that my wishes matter less than my blogging...
Wealth is the Big Voice here....
10:06 PM PST
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Was Bernie The Only Thief In The Game???(posted on Skippy)
The eight hundred pound gorilla that I don't hear anybody acknowledging in any way is,.. Just how many more of these assholes are out there??? How many banks are covering their "losses" by getting free money from the FED..
I DO KNOW that there is a guy right here in my area that just got indicted for the exact same thing but on a much smaller scale...and he operated for years in the open with the full blessing and backing of a major local bank. The bankers would actually steer investors to this one time before he got "too prominent" he was a board member.
And the whole time , in reality he was nothing but a damn thief.
But like my spouse and myself were discussing...if that had been one of us, we would have gone straight to jail years ago... I think there are a lot of "investment professionals" out there that are needing some serious spankings...
I'm just as sure that that will not happen...but we can pay , oh yes we can pay and we will....
11:21 AM PST
Monday, December 22, 2008
"I Don't Think People Can Know How Deeply He Feels"
He was referring to the amount of relative pain that the VP might or might not feel toward the resulting deaths of servicemen and women that his and Lil'George's actions have purchased for the American People.
Don't know???? Son of Bitch feels NOTHING......Thats how deeply he feels...not at ALL!!!!
Does he consider that his actions could have been even a bit more thoroughly considered???
Does he think we have the right to dispute him??? Well,.. We can go "F&*k Ourselves"..
This motherf*$#er should be in prison... Him and George both... I know that it will NEVER happen, but that is where they should both be put in order for our Country to begin to earn back our trust worldwide... Why is it that we think nothing of telling other country's how they should act and treat their leaders,...but that same measuring stick cannot be applied to our own selves????
Have we actually earned the bad reputation we have worldwide?? Do we deserve it???
I don't know anymore...the last EIGHT YEARS OF CONTINUAL LYING have left me partially blind and deaf to the rest of the world....
I am convinced that this entire administration should be deeply and completely investigated, criminal charges brought to bear, court hearing held , and justice squarely handed out....
The last eight years have left me and just about everyone I know feeling lost and sickened..feeling that it really did not matter what was moral...what was publicly demanded, what the World matter...what we would see would be what the Ultra Rich wanted, what the Mega Corporations Wanted...and what the Republican Party Wanted....
I want to be a part of a country and people that make me proud... not feel ashamed.
Not feel dirty.
Not feel like I am part of a conspiracy that savaged a large part of the planet..
I want to feel like an American again...
Friday, December 19, 2008
In Response to Several Protests Concerning Obama's Choice to Give the Inaugration Invocation.
Left I, I have been unaffiliated for ten 'effing is shite just like this that caused me to leave the Democratic Party as an elected is this type of pandering that I find disheartening and degenerating in nature (at the heart of the Party)...I voted for Obama , not because of some vague fear that "Bush- Lite" would be in there otherwise, but because of another type of stupid prejudice that has to stop in our country...
It has to start somewhere and I am certain it would never start with the criminal family called Republicans...It will start with the Democrats...
While this is a terribly upsetting action by my President...I am not about to repudiate everything he does AFTER he is sworn in, Before He Is Sworn IN!!!
I see it as an attempt to send the message of tolerance to those Fundamentalists , those American (Christian) Taliban... That he is willing to entertain their opinions at least, not that he is going to convert to their agenda...
But it is pandering, it is sickening and I don't like it...
"Threaten to not vote for him"???? Never gonna happen... I DID vote for him, twice, both in the primary, and the general election...
One poor (and badly judged) action BEFORE he is even legally President does not invalidate his administration Before it is even started...
Is it cause to drop Democratic affiliation??? You damn right it is...
Now it remains to be seen how compromised he allows things to get...
But again, history is never a smooth shot to the rarely ever goes forward without first going backward too...
We accomplished an historic event electing Obama...
Now we wait...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Is He, "AL FRANKEN" Qualified to be a Senator ????
What I'm driving at here is Al's qualifications... Is he qualified to be a Senator???
I would argue that anyone able to stay employed and provide for a family and stay popular is a bit more than just a funny guy... I would argue that person is really rather intelligent and able to fully grasp their surroundings and those of the world in general and find a way to present those events to the population in a way that is easily and quickly grasped and in a way that offers no threat but includes them and thereby makes them feel safe enough to laugh...
I would argue that he, "Al Franken" is entirely qualified to be a Senator and as such would most likely be a Better one than his predecessor....
I hope he finally prevails...
Friday, December 12, 2008
I Just LOVE Our Melting Pot....
In my neighborhood there is a yard display of epic content and ambition… It has all the usual trees encrusted in lights from base to twig tip, the flashing sidewalk side lights showing the passerby the way to the front door.. It enjoys the truly majestic roof cloaking of possibly a couple of thousand twinkling tiny sliver lights and of course a life sized sleigh and reindeer…. There is no chimney but that hardly seems to matter…
AND ,… the “coupe’de grace” as it were,... a life size diorama on the lawn of that historic event that took place when SANTA brought the BABY JESUS some gaily wrapped presents!!!!!!
YES !!!
Just like it happened in the Bible!!!
Why I remember when that took place myself…it was right after Santa bravely defeated the Nazis at Pearl Harbor and flew to Europe so that he could prevent Al Queda from starting a Nuclear Summer. This enabled Santa to quickly race back to Trenton , New Jersey and with the help of his elves produce and hand out enough Ice Skates to equip each of George Washington’s Revolutionaries in a truly professional fashion . Thus George and friends managed to skate across the Potomac River and save Francis Scott Keyes from the Japanese and that allowed the Poet Keyes to branch out and write our national anthem…the Battle Hymn Of the Republic…
Thanks again SANTA!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
In Response to a Skippy Posted Video About The "True" Cost Of Wal Mart
It is usually followed up with remarks like ,"We simply feel that our associates are smart enough to decide what to do with their pay and no union should be involved"...
More stupidity...
However, If you are going to go around talking about the evils of a really should know in detail, what you are talking about...
That hasn't stopped an unknowable number of folks holding forth about the horrors of this drug, that company, that religious group, etc...but it should have...
Wal Mart for instance DOES provide access to health care for it's isn't really worth having...but they do when I hear from some video source that they don' gets me a bit angry...because it puts me into the position of having to appear to defend a corporation that I truly feel is a blight on our economy...
Tell the truth, derived from facts...thats all I'm sayin...
3:32 PM PST
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
He Didn't Do Anything "WRONG".....
I am so surprised by the Governor of Illinois...
Not by the "gimme Money, Gimme MORE @!!!"...but by the totally stupid way in which he and his staff went about it...
Apparently this guy Knew he was being seriously looked at by the FEDS...and he just kept doing the same dumb shit!! ??????
So,...Okay....Not Wrong...Just STUPID!!!!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I Honestly Could Not Explain....
I mean if they are afraid of appearing to be a completely clueless grouping of spineless boobs...they are too late!!!
They gave nearly a trillion dollars to a fucking guy that sat right in front of them and told them point blank that he could not explain to them where he really was going to be spending that money....
Along come the car companies and ask for thirty four billion in LOANS...and,
they more or less tell them to go fuck themselves....
Do the car companies really need this money??? Probably....
Should we give a shit???? ONLY IF they can show a real plan to change their methods of construction and engineering...
And ONLY IF they can show a timetable to actually switch from oil based solely, to at least some hybrid technology....
If you actually don't get that the answer is as simple as MONEY..then I guess you either don't live here, or you have been in a long term coma.
I am just sickened by all this shit.....
And hey!!! Where the fuck is MY MONEY???? I'm broke all the time mostly because of poor judgment concerning money....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
See??? I Told You They Would Say It !!!!!!
They are saying that he should stop calling himself a "Christian" because he answered a question from Franklin Graham about the only path of salvation with a short discourse on his own deceased mother...
Question,"Is the Only Path to Salvation through Jesus Christ???"
Answer," My own mother was not a Christian, and yet she was one of the noblest, finest hearted people I have Ever met. I find it impossible to believe that She is Not in Heaven..."
In other words, no, J.C. not the ONLY path...
But then, two thirds of the Planet already know this....
Sorry, (no, I'm really not sorry), but I am convinced that this sort of social extortion has to be stopped...its one thing to have and strongly hold personal beliefs... It is damn near criminal to FORCE those beliefs down the throats of any and all that do not share them.... would the fundamentalists scream if the Church of Satan was allowed to grill any political quester with even Half the openness and ugliness that the "Christians" have been allowed???
And on that subject,...why haven't they been allowed the same or equal freedom???
Our tiara of freedom is looking a bit tarnished now....ain't it????
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Paulson Announces That , "Things Have Changed"
Oh Dear GOD!!! We are going to be Devoured by Magic Wild Beasts if we don't pile All our belongings in the Center of town Immediately!!!
Don't be concerned, I swear I'll keep diligent watch for thieves...
Yes your things are fine, I just used a few dozen of them to pay the Beast Leader a bribe to keep the Wild Horde at bay...
Yes, well see,...since you all voted me the Official Bribe giver and Things Watcher,....I have decided that I will just sell all your things and pay off every scary looking thing that comes by just in case there might be trouble...
Now, you don't have to thank me...I am a humble Public Servant ..I work for you after all... Its just that you aren't very smart or good with "Things" and me,...well I'm a wizard with them... won't sting long...I promise...
11:33 PM PST
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Why Am I Being Silent NOW ???
Because there is still two months left for a Criminal that is in the White House to do some more country fuckin...
Because I am unsure of the next step and quite sure that there must be a speedy and expeditious one.......
So, for now,....silence..
Thursday, November 6, 2008
In Response to Another Blogger's Thoughts That "Black Folks" Will Be Expecting A Lil' Sumpin-sumpin
I think Woody has a point... Having acknowledged same, I want to posit that the aforementioned "folks" are mostly ( the exact percentile escapes me) but mostly, simply wishing him to do well and in doing so justify their own lives... I hear from "white" people almost daily how the "black" people are going to be expecting "special treatment" is all a bit unclear as to what that treatment might be considered to be by the "whites"...but as for me it is crystal clear that this is simply another case of racial underestimation and poor information digestion on the part of the "whites"...
I contend that although there may well be a segment of "blacks" (a small one) that are expecting such treatment, the majority are adamant that no such thing ever take place since it would constitute in and of itself ( the "special treatment") a form of discrimination.. and would to the white population look as tho there was "payback" taking place...Or some form or special help because the poor black folks just cannot do things for themselves...
And they DO NOT WANT THAT impression to ever be the accepted impression..
I'm just saying the things that are obvious to me , a fella that is part black, part white, part Aboriginal Native, and part Mexican...
The "folks" I have discussed this with are quite clear on their culture's feelings about this very issue...wish the man well, pray for him, and take glorious pleasure in the accomplishment...but "special Treatment"???? Not really, not so much at all...
But hey, if you know of somebody in the Government handing out favors ...I'm open for money, good job, whatever...
And I'm quite sure I fit the description of "Folk"....
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Day Before..... November 3rd 2008
I keep wondering about the level of unspoken , simmering hatefulness all around me..
I mean where I live, there seems to be a completely separate reality for those who are for Obama and those that aren't....
I actually had my car vandalized by somebody who apparently didn't like my "Obama '08" sticker I had in the rear window... I say that was the reason as opposed to the idea that it was random, or someone I knew. The sticker was the only thing taken. Pulled it off and tore it up and tossed it into the trash. Then , the person (or people) keyed my car... Someone I knew?? Unlikely since I was in another city attending a seminar and staying at a hotel. Sorta of lets out the possibility of a known person also since I didn't know anyone there...
I am stunned at the action...
And the person was so confident in their act that they did it in the daytime...
While my car was parked in the hotel parking lot and still nobody saw a thing...
I forgot to mention that the car was all of ten feet from the front door of the hotel and the sticker went into the trash can at the front door...
When I attempted to complain, I was flat told by the clerk, "Chill, it was just a sticker!"...
Back in my hometown there was on a corner of private land facing a busy intersection a large "Obama '08" banner..... The brave individual (s) here waited until night (cover of darkness) presumably because they were so brave. Then they tore the banner down and threw it into a mud hole. The banner was replaced within a day and within a day it too was destroyed.
This took place three times..
Now there is no banner...
I am shocked at the hate behind so childish an action...
It must stop...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
What is it About John Mccain that is Hurting his Campaign??
I think it is beginning to wear on everybody you can think of.
I just erased an entire paragraph about his "real" reasons, etc. ....
I'm just saying that it is a two way street, if you want to claim a single point in your life as the premier reason you are better suited than, "That One" to do a job...well, make the claim and go on...don't just beat everybody about their head and arms and shoulder areas with the claim..
Don't torture everybody with the information....
I mean you cannot say you respect and simultaneously be disrespectful and condone that behavior on the part of those acting as your proxies...
And then claim you are better "Because You Are a Hero"...
I am a hero also, and I would never consider that as a defining and completely primary aspect of myself, I would never tell someone that I was better than they were because at one point in my life, I saved the lives of a large number of people, several of them due to my personal actions using my own two hands... These are people that absolutely would not be alive today without my intervention...does that make me BETTER???
I am humbled that for whatever reason, I simply happened to be there at the exact same time those folks got the smack put on them by the Pacific Ocean...
I cannot say and don't feel that that moment in my life makes me a better person than anyone else..
And John is saying that..
Now please go vote for me...ok??? :) heheheheeh
4:53 PM PDT
Friday, October 31, 2008
As to HOW the Right Wingers can be so hateful and simultaneously claim it is other folks that are being hateful...
Its a neat trick, I think the first time I saw it was in the third grade.. "I'm rubber, you are glue" that but with big person words...
What IF the Democrats Lose ANYWAY???
No room left for nervousness for me, I've voted ..... Obama is my guy,...and IF the Dems do as you are opining,...well then it's on their heads and it will be time to at least seriously explore the possibility of Canada...
I am a Patriot, a decorated soldier, a preacher, and a heretic, a drunk, and doper (well ex- on the last two)...and even someone as compromised as myself can see the genuine potential in Obama. I was serious about having tears in my eyes on the night he was accepting the nomination.. It has been few, the number of truly historic positive politicians, offhand I can think of only two, or three if you want to count Father Abraham
... If this goes south in a bag of burning dog poo... sticking around would be so very hard...I'm not sure I could...
We have to start the journey toward actually being adults in the world community and not just brandishing our bigger sticks and yelling, "'Cause I say SO!!"...and to me this one thing, race, is a starting point... We have been trying to get this behind ourselves for far too long to just let it continue .. I see hope in Obama, I see that starting point..
And as a patriot I want that start...then we can take another step, and another, and another...
All history began this step. One action. One hope.
Friday, October 10, 2008
I Cannot Believe The Republicans Are Guilty Of Anything But Goodness And Patriotism
No, No, guys simply don't understand,...I heard it today on some cable channel that (sadly) I was not paying enough attention to to mark in memory, I heard that this ALL, every bit of the financial problems we are experiencing are DIRECTLY due to the fault and poor leadership of (DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!>>>)
William Jefferson Clinton!!!!
Thats right, you smarmy lib'ruls... it was you and your kind that caused this and Don't Forget IT!!!!
And just to test the information out('cause I fucking couldn't believe I heard it right) I went to a family gathering this very evening (yeah..all GOP faithful) and posited the same snippet of info..only to hear loud and sound agreement that I WAS RIGHT...It Was That Bastard Clinton's fault!!!
Ahhhhh,... my family...such a bunch of inbred jerks. It seems.
Well, I guess I'll be missing the fun at Mom's house for another decade or so....
8:42 PM PDT
I Wonder Why EVERYONE can't See The LIGHT???
And as I always say,"If you're gonna beat up a stupid kid, make sure you aren't being videotaped"...wait, no.., that's what spring break cops say... I always say something different...errr, what was that again???hmmm, well it was something about religion and the role it has played in history to date in providing us with fertile ground for ignorant, and destructive ideology to blossom into what many ignorant and destructive people call "Faith"...
Just a crutch for , and a shield for hiding behind whilst one makes otherwise unacceptable and socially reprehensible personal attacks upon the nature of another, or upon that persons character...
I'm with Bill all the way here...I'm sick of this stupidity being pampered and kowtowed to as though it were in itself a thing of obvious reverence...
If someone is insane or ignorant enough to stand in front of you and claim that there is "
Real" proof that the dinosaurs and people co=existed, then that person and ANYTHING ELSE they say should be relegated to the box in your head labeled,"Complete Bullshit"...
There is no being generous here, no common ,"middle ground"..these fanatics are going to ruin all of our days if we don't as a group of adults stand up to this pervasive mind fog that they spread in the name of GOD...
I am serious.
3:32 PM PDT
Friday, September 19, 2008
Republicans want to privatize Social Security to pay the Debt...
You know, if you remember back a seems to always come up from those folks like a bit of bad response to ...well, just damn near anything you care to attempt to rationally discuss with a true GOP drone.. Like just mentioning the "Trouble With The Social Security System" is trump to any other point of contention or disagreement...
I mean, seriously, IF they were sincerely all that pissed off about it...haven't they had ample opportunity and flat out complete control of the Government for long enough to simply cram it down our collective throats and tell us to ,"Go F&*k Ourselves Also", along with the Democratic Party Members of Congress who dared to speak out or say to the contrary???
So, why haven't they??? Other than they are basically and fundamentally just cowardly bullies.
They haven't done so because there was no real return in it for them and their cronies... Not like the Bank Deregulation, Not like the Oil market, not like a freaking WAR!!!
All those things are much better money makers for the rich and wont necessarily get them into a fight with some citizen who doesn't like being ripped off so some " political friend" can head up the newly established Office of Spending the Social Security Money Wisely...or some such.
But IF it comes down to push and shove...I guess the littler guys Will attempt to just Steal what they can before they are all voted out or otherwise disenfranchised...
2:06 AM PDT

In response to a post concerning a Californian and his plans to conduct a group fast..
And to think that God (we are talking THE ALMIGHTY, CREATOR OF ALL) are we not??
To think that GOD in HIS PERFECTION and PERFECT WORKS had apparently overlooked, or possibly neglected, or hey got just sidetracked as all hell... (pun I guess)..and just needs to have HIS WARRIORS remind HIM to do HIS WORK in the way that they see it needs doing...
Smart huh?? HE REMEMBERED to PERFECTLY create some dirtbags in various places to KEEP HIM in LINE...
Yet another reason I quit the Christian Ministry... I couldn't keep telling myself that GOD "NEEDED" my help... with ANYTHING!!!
Seriously... how conceited, how self importantly puffed up and narcissistic..
What arrogance.....
I admit that I was and am a creature born in "Sin".. (wait, what?? of HIS PERFECT WORK??
And as such, My ONLY HOPE in the here and now and the After, is my acceptance of same and a heartfelt plea to HIM to redeem me, and then I have to accept that redemption, and thus be washed clean of my sins and be born anew...
That is the point at which I get to tell HIM where HE screwed up...right???
I get to , 'cause I no longer have sin and thus am PERFECT...
So I can talk to HIM as tho to an Equal... and I can throw a tantrum if I don't like HIS PERFECT WORKS and stop eating, or hold my breath, or possibly stomp my feet loudly...
Maybe I can organize a large group to Also do the Same Behavior.
And this behavior is the thing that GOD ALMIGHTY just can't abide and so HE WILL ACT..
Yeah if I was capable of that level of egotism...I guess that it would be right...
But I guess I'm not religious anymore either...
Friday, September 12, 2008
I'm just offering my own somewhat ignorant opinion here...but I guess Obama was thinking that here was a classic dilemma.... Real "Horns Of the Bull" problem... Ask Hillary to be VP and be perceived as either gut-lessly begging for help not to mention the risk of being turned down, or the real risk of being upstaged by his VP like someone currently in that job..
OR,.. He could go ahead and ask his party for tolerance and indulgence and stand by him and the second tier candidate that he was going to otherwise forced to pick if he wanted to stand a tinkers damn of winning...
I mean I thought that the Democratic party was supposed to be the tolerant folks and even Hillary asked the question,. "Who were you voting for?? ME or the American People??"
And STILL , clearly there are numerous and sundry that are determined to make this election be about Hillary and NOT ABOUT TAKING BACK OUR DAMN COUNTRY!!!!
So, what to do, what to do...knowing you are damned and doublely so ('cause of your skin color) (AND yer funny "FOREIGN" sounding name),, you kowtow to a bunch of hard-nosed Hillary supporters, and forever be seen as unable to make your first real decision on your own....
OR, do you look closer at the remaining "also-ran's" and try to decide on a partner that has a skill level you'll need, and the humble roots pastiche that you apparently do not deserve to call your own (in spite of your roots), and ask a guy that you know probably does not respect you and can actually in the future embarrass your Administration Potentially Horribly so by his penchant for de-rigueur style speaking and whilst doing so actually eating his own feet...???
I know I was not asked about the VP picks..I'm totally sure I could have at least injected some levity into the process but I am also totally sure that this is not the moment for laughing and kidding, but for serious introspective qualifying and selecting and then getting on with the actually Winning of this interminable Race..
Could he have made better picks??? Maybe....
Should we all do our collective best to ensure that he loses because he didn't do what we wanted???
I quote (by paraphrase) a Senator from New York, "Who were we actually voting for anyway??"
I will vote Obama.. We have to have a different looking face in that office... IF we can EVER hope to hold our heads up in the court of World Opinion...
Not that I give a damn about the rest of the long as I get some for me and mine....
So, maybe Johnny be Same Is the real answer.. (I know he is not and he cannot at this point make me see different), but I cannot accept a candidate that would cynically pick a running mate based solely on that person's gender... and not even CARE about their qualifications...hoping only to play a card that had seemingly been removed from the table by your opponent.. And in stealing that card, and purporting it to be your confident choice all prove that your care for the "America" you vaunt so highly in public is really a deeply held dislike of the very people who make up that "'Merica"..
SO, yeah...maybe McCain is right, we need a woman in that office..I don't disagree in the least... but really, we need to become a single people and that means taking care of (FINALLY) a little bothersome problem left over from when the GOP was Invented..the time of our first murdered President...
He thought there room here for the folks that others thought of only as "Property".. and it cost him for thinking so and acting upon it..
I seriously can NEVER measure up to that...but I can Recognize and act in my own rightful, small way and vote.
I pick a guy named Obama to be my leader...
The rest of you guys can take the Cheer Leader... have fun!!!
1:01 AM PDT
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Interesting That They Fear So.....
It is worth mentioning yet AGAIN that this despicable political club that would gleefully produce an underclass of constitutionally deprived citizens on the basis of their sexual preference,...seems to have a large (really large) number of closeted folks that ARE the very people that party is so afraid of... AND WORSE.
Even the Congressman overseeing the portion of the Fed that was supposed to be protecting children was a total pedophile... Hitting on the male congressional pages and having illicit sexual liaisons with the few male pages (underage) that would allow him to molest them...
They are caught time after time in some poorly considered , poorly concealed sexual imbroglio , or outright criminal acts ...
Such as Ted Haggard... trusted enough and thought highly enough of to be allowed to sit in on and even provide input to (thereby shaping) policy of the Bush administration toward homosexuals in America.
"In November 2006, he resigned or was removed from all of his leadership positions after he admitted patronizing prostitute Mike Jones for homosexual sex and methamphetamine. Initially Haggard denied even knowing Mike Jones, but as a media investigation proceeded he acknowledged that some allegations, such as his purchase of methamphetamine, were true. He later added "sexual immorality" to his list of confessions. " (wikipedia)
Such as the "Hero Mayor" Rudy Guiliani.. a confirmed cross dresser and multiple divorce holder....The list of his activities is literally too long to bear inspection...
Such as Senator Larry " LET ME CLEAR,.. I'M NOT GAY!!) Craig... He didn't even respect the policeman that he approached in a airport mensroom ( for God knows what,exactly) enough to listen to the public servant...Instead simply identifying himself a a U.S. Senator and fully expecting the cop to just let him go his way... And THEN, he didn't respect the judicial system, his own wife, or even his Senatorial Staffers (whom presumably knew his preferences) to bother mentioning the "Incident" to ANYONE..!!!!
This Administration has proven itself to be so cowardly and craven in the face of what they perceive as their "Base" ... as to resort to cover-ups, and simply ignoring what ever problem they themselves have created... preferential toward engagement in a continuous and loud repetition from every source they could of whatever falsehood they could quickly toss out that would serve to deflect blame and better still to provide plausible (in their estimation) "proof" that it was not in fact the GOP that was guilty nor ANY of the "patriotic members of the GOP" , rather the blame lay squarely on the Democratic Party and LIKELY with Bill Clinton ...
This bullshite has gone on long enough... One cannot reasonably claim that a person or party that was and is completely incapable of effectively changing ANYTHING ,...for better or worse, due to one's own actions inhibiting said control , be IN FACT,.. the responsible party.
Unless one has so little respect for the general intelligence of the America People..singly and as a group.... as to simply Expect that if you say it is so, will be.
The latest seems to be a wide spread scandal involving Department of the Interior officials (the folks handing out drilling licenses) and the oil companies representatives they were dealing with!!
Talk about screwing the Taxpayer!!!!!!!
12:08 PM PDT
Comments on the Republican Hate Chorus
Hate Chorus MEME...
It's just distraction, just fluff on fire.... "Lookitit a pretty flame...ohhh, ahhh..."
"It's sooooo outrageous, it's soooo unfair..."
They are terrified of anyone asking about the thousands of dead American Soldiers , or the Economy, Or the two WARS WE ARE FIGHTING, or the war the current group of thugs is trying to start with Russia...
So, yeah...they have a point, he did say that....and he was talking about the Gop candidates and their records and their future plans...
And to them if you dare talk back, it has to be that you are insulting them personally....
They are cynical, they lie, they don't care if you know it...look at the pretty fire....
4:36 PM PDT
Those poor kids...I sure hope they didn't catch the GAY!!! It would be criminal if they did...poor little dears...
I mean seriously, By God's Hairy Privates, if some poor little dear was forced to catch gay,...that whole school district should burn in hell!!!!!
Or else everyone could just try a little harder to lighten the hell up..
My thoughts...
1:27 PM PDT
I apologize, I was tired when I said that everyone needed to lighten up.
I meant to say everyone that was trying to oppress somebody else...
All the other hate groups ( and you know who you are )...just carry on..
I mean honestly, this is America..and if you can't get your hate on in a hate filled righteous fury over something that has not a damn thing to do with you...well hell, then I guess this is Russia and not America after all..!!! HUH????
So, please.... Continue with your mindless hating of anything that is different from you or some twisted ideal that you learned all up in your hateful little private school... I'm sure that GOD wants you to do so and therefore you are only doing the Work of the Almighty..aren't you??
So I wasn't talking to you people, I was really putting the light of Redemptive Wrath on those no good lib'rul bastards that are trying to force everyone to marry their pets and such..bastards...